Please select fragrance from the drop down box. Update quantity after hitting the order button. Continue shopping to select next fragrance.
PERSONALIZED LABELING AT NO EXTRA CHARGE on orders of 20 bottles or more. Use comments box during check out to type your name or business name, phone number or website for your labels.
This item comes with a Silver Cap and Silver Premium Label in our new 2oz Ridged Square Glass Bottle. The bottle is curved on the front and ridged on the other side. It has an almost triangular shape when you look at it from the bottom. It is a very unique and attractive bottle. If you would like a different color label, please request it in the comments box.
[(M)= Men's Fragrance oil sprays, (L)= Ladies Fragrance oil sprays & (U)= Fragrance Oil sprays for both]
* $7.25 each when you order 1 - 3 bottles.
* $6.75 each when you order 4 - 6 bottles.
* $6.25 each when you order 7 - 11 bottles.
* $5.65 each when you order 12 - 99 bottles.
* $5.25 each when you order 100 or more bottles. *** Best Value***